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Nature Challenge - Monde des coraux
From age 7

Current offer
Nature Challenge - Monde des coraux
From age 7

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Aim of the game
Nature Challenge - Monde des coraux takes you on a journey to meet corals and other animals that inhabit the reefs. Discover their characteristics, then bet on their strengths to win the game.
Ready to take up the challenge?
2 to 6 players. From age 7. Made in France.
Further information
Weight : 0.11 kg
Size : 7.2 x 11.4 x 2.0 cm
How to play?
The red coral gets its color from carotenoid pigments, the same ones that give carrots their color! Does it live longer than the clownfish?
The red coral is the big winner! It lives for 60 years, while the clownfish lives for 7 years. Beware, the level of threat to species can turn the tide during battles! If a player's animal is more threatened than the animal of the player who opened the round, it can change the battle characteristic.
The first to collect all the cards wins the game.