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Nature Challenge - Capitales du monde
From age 7

Nature Challenge - Capitales du monde

From age 7

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Aim of the game
Nature Challenge - Capitales du monde takes you on a journey to meet the iconic capitals of the world! Discover their characteristics, then bet on their strengths to collect all the game cards and win the game.
Ready to take up the challenge?
2 to 6 players. From age 7. Made in France.
Further information
Weight : 0.11 kg
Size : 7.2 x 11.4 x 2.0 cm
How to play?
Which city has more inhabitants, Brussels or Ottawa? The Canadian capital wins with 1,017,449 inhabitants (compared to 196,828 inhabitants in Brussels). The name "Ottawa" comes from the term "adawe," which means "to trade" in the Algonquian language, spoken by indigenous nations of the country.
Beware, population density can turn the tide during battles!
The first to collect all the cards wins the game.